Friday 17 October 2014

My YLK Dream

Today is our last day for Creative Thinking,
different from usual,we are talking about our designer life?
job after graduate,how to success in life,its enough money??Many question and many solution.

Actually before that I already plan for my dream and what I want to do after graduate.
Maybe others will think that is so funny or that is crazy,you sure you can?But when I first enter this school,my life is already crazy.
I am Even ong,I wanna be a fashion designer and have my own brand when I am 16 years old.When I stared have thid dream,everyone think that I am so young maybe I just momentary or just think that designer life is look good or what.Of course,I feel uncertain and what to do,because no one designer beside me,I cant  imagine how a fashion designer work。Yet someone told me if you dont try you will impossible know the ending.So I started to plan my design life,get a good result and working for 1 years(because i want to learn knowledge of society and make money).First,because i have to study hard to get a good result(because I want to get the scolaship).When everyone waiting the SPM result(malaysia),I am looking for a job.Finally I get it,I become a beauty therapist.that is still have many people advise me,why dont you study business or accounting,that will be earn more money?My result is come out,that is not I expect but is okay.Then suddenly many people started believe me I can do what I want to do(because before my result is super no good).Time flier one and half year ago,before resign I already searching the art of school and finally my agent intro me NAFA.BUT THAT IS REALLY SUOER CRAZY.because entrance examination ended a long time ago and I apply for that exam is just before 1 month of orientation.Also I just have 2days(1and half day) to practice.I dont have any skill and I just like to draw the garment.But so lucky I got the TGD and also enter this school,So I started my life at NAFA!
Now I still planning my future,but not very sure.
First is continue study degree at Paris,then working as a designer,lastly have my own brand.Second is I just go throght working and after that have my own brand.
Actually, I really like this creative class cause it always remind me something like Hunn Wai said.After I entering this school I really feel like happiness,cause I am toward my dream.Maybe I am fail have own brand,But whatever I think the most important thing is I am doing what I want and I really learn for that.I will like what our lecturer(Hunn Wai)said always keep my mind and keep this enthusiasm in this industry,to fulfill my dream,my own brand-YLK
Note about what lecturer saying in the 11 weeks.
And lastly I really thanks my lecturer in 11 weeks always sharing and positive thinking for us.I will remember what you said.

My 2D work(can u see YLK?)



Thursday 16 October 2014

10 Emotion of Car

Actually I am not really know about car,so I think this way is more fun if you want to learn more type of car.
Someone said,Symmetrical facial features were more popular.I think ca is also true.
Mazda Sassou

Car headlights just like the human eye; grille like the human mouth as having respiratory function; while the lower front bumper as human chin, center, discreet; while surrounded by glass throughout the car roof, and sketched out the car the head of the curve.that is look like a srong, powerful or arrogant uninhibited boy.haha.
Mostly circular headlights, grille also like petite mouth like a beautiful, mellow. Overall, women, unlike men's cars cars sharp.This and female characteristics very similar to that for women to build such a car, like a shy charming girl.
GEM Peapod set for 2009 production
this car is really special,it low-speed neighborhood commuter can cover up to 30 miles without recharging at a top speed of 25 mph.You also can see that the head light look like eyes and the grille like smile and looking at us.I also think that,that's look like a naive and amieble child.

scion iq

When first time saw this car,I feel that is look like a dog smilling with me,hahaha
also the headlight is eyes and grille is mouth,but this car have 'ears',haha,so when i look at this i will think about the  Tame puppy,hahaha
This car really look like a whale, a cute eyes but think it is so coooool.


Bugatti anf Farrari get angry now!!!!haha
And then........
this Bugatti was think about......they angry for what so scaryyyyy.
it's mouth can't close,hahaha

Vw type 1
a shy girl is coming....don't be angry
I super like this car,so cute right????
then that is a old men coming.....

1965 barracuda
your guys don't be angry,just take it easy ok?????

pic :

If you feel that life is very hard, it would be to forgive everything, take a look at interesting things that around perhaps waiting for us to explore!!

Monday 29 September 2014

egg activity&games

I wake up 5.20am in the morning))))cryyy
I really felt sleepy and tired,I don't think I can enjoy in class...........4 hours class
When lecturer commended us to buy some egg and straw,I still feel boring.
But when we stared to use straw to protect our egg,we keep thinking what the best way to protect egg.Finally we make it,hahaha,but my crazy partner keep using transparent tape to tape the egg.
This is our final egg look.



then we tried to throwing from a high chair,NO BROKEN !

But when we throw from secound floor,I felt scared we fail protect our egg.

but it's looks Okay....
Lecturer is checking every group's egg.....

haha,no broken.I think what lecturer trying to tell us is there are many ways to creative.
Like this activity,every group using different ways to protect,no matter it's broken,that still is a idea.also like what we doing last two week about mind-mapping,there are many ways to doig something,everyone have different idea,sometime we also can combine our idea together,sometime they using your idea,sometime thier idea is quite good,I think creative is like this,you can instict your idea,but sometime you can combine other's advice to your work.We want make this world good,so we doing creative.

Another game,(I don't know calling what,haha)

but I play before,move 3 stick become 3 square,look very easy but we taking a long time,hahaha
finally,we got it!!haha,
"Don't scale to share your idea,because if you want your work make good the best way is sharing."

Saturday 27 September 2014

Lego Movie

Very very nice movie!Cause I don't really like watching movie but this really nice movie,and you will learn a lot from that movie.  [trail of lego movie]
also suitable who are still pursue their dream.
so creative,they using Lego to tell a story.It's really intersting and fun.
I think that is a great responses from social,that's all I learn from this movie after watching.
and I have some different view from they,.
When you started to make your own works, and perhaps others will find it too, but only you know the true meaning such like you playing with Lego.When you create a design maybe some people can't not understand with your work,but will always be someone to understand your ideas.So don't give up yourself when you hearing some comment you don't like and take that advice to make your next work became more perfect!

When you see the half of movie,only to find all the stories is just a little boy named Finn Lego in the basement in a virtual world imagined.Originally indulge in self boy suddenly the world is full of horror on his face, because he knows he crossed the boundaries set by the father. when I see the poster at everywhere,which write HAND OFF,DO NOT TOUCH,I feel really appropriate in some of the family.Parents as an adult, based on their total attempts life experience for the children arrange the most perfect life roadmap. In this process, not consciously draw will give the child a lot of the penalty area, this can not be touched, that can not be touched.
He built his own Lego works even glued together with glue that was absolutely perfect, and cannot be change. But, when he seriously after his son's work was very surprised. Different people in different ways at different angles, would produce the same impressive original works.
I think this all is similar with design,'differnt angle you will see different ways.'I really proud because i have a parent who always let me decide my choice.They also always give me some advice and comment about my dream but not choose to compel their idea.
Life is like Lego,you have to create piece by piece,sometime someone telling you cannot do that,sometime they advice you,but final decided is yourself.

Friday 26 September 2014


A first quetion from me,what is happiness and how we make life happiness?
At the present stage,I think my happiness is study what I like and make my dream became real.
'' happiness is the only measure of life is the ultimate goal of all goals. ''a lecturer from harvard university said.
For me, my goal is became a famous fashion design,behind this goal I also hope my family and me became more happiness,because i achieve my dream so I became happiness,my parents said before they no care about what I want to be,as long as I am doing what I like.So on the time, I really feel very happiness becuase I never told them I had to do the design industry.There are too many people say that design is not a good way, so when I told them,I was so scared that they do not accept, but they did not reject me, instead, let me give me the strength to pursue what I want.
Sometime,I felt I am selfishness,cause when I am 16 years old I start have this gaol,when people tell me, design is very hard and not a good way,I always tell them I want try,if I not trying there is no chance.

sometimes i think everyone will feel guity when you pursue your happiness.People feel guity at time feeling good themself.How can I?how can i pusue my dream when there are suffering on my side?but someone tell me before,happiness is a positive sum game,such like when a person laugh you will make you laugh.It is contagious.Be hapiness is also a moral value that you can help people happiness too.happiness is never decrease by sharing from people.


Saturday 30 August 2014


We all know that health is very important But often do not have to implement a healthy life, just like me, haha actually I am a beauty therapist before I study in NAFA, so I think the purpose of slimming and lose weight is became a healthy. of cause we will using machine to help our customers slmming, but if they want a good result the most important is must control their appetite which call diet. but diet do not represent a healthy behavior,because most people have the wrong to go on a diet.






Some people will think I want be slim so I no eating dinner .That's wrong, not to say that can't eat in the night.Just might eat less starch class Because it is three hours before bedtime is best not to eat because bad to the body.
And maybe some people only eat fruit for whole day.This is the wrong behavior Because it takes strength to the human body And the fruit sugar is quite high So if we all day to eat only fruit our body cannot load. In fact, if you want a healthy body or in your diet, as long as eating food pyramid so you can have very good effect, although the effect  taking a longer time, but this is also the most healthy diet right.

if you want be healthy, the thing you must do is exercise,When our customers accept our therapy, we will suggest customer to do some exercise,like  running, yoga or dance is a good method to slim. And my customers also had recommended me also can help you relax and it may call for specific breathing techniques.some yoga style use meditation techniques that help clam your mind.

Except this two point,our habit is also important.If we Lack of sleep or use too many electronic products that also will health hazard.and how much do we really need? if the 3-6 years old child they have to sleep 10 to 12 hours.For average adult needs between 7.5-8 hours of sleep per night.And almost people will using mobile phone o any electronic product before sleep,this addition is bad for your eyes will aso lead to insomnia or affect sleep.

How can I teach my customers often food how to take care of the body But only a few I really do it. I think this should be a source Why modern threatened the health of young people.