Saturday 27 September 2014

Lego Movie

Very very nice movie!Cause I don't really like watching movie but this really nice movie,and you will learn a lot from that movie.  [trail of lego movie]
also suitable who are still pursue their dream.
so creative,they using Lego to tell a story.It's really intersting and fun.
I think that is a great responses from social,that's all I learn from this movie after watching.
and I have some different view from they,.
When you started to make your own works, and perhaps others will find it too, but only you know the true meaning such like you playing with Lego.When you create a design maybe some people can't not understand with your work,but will always be someone to understand your ideas.So don't give up yourself when you hearing some comment you don't like and take that advice to make your next work became more perfect!

When you see the half of movie,only to find all the stories is just a little boy named Finn Lego in the basement in a virtual world imagined.Originally indulge in self boy suddenly the world is full of horror on his face, because he knows he crossed the boundaries set by the father. when I see the poster at everywhere,which write HAND OFF,DO NOT TOUCH,I feel really appropriate in some of the family.Parents as an adult, based on their total attempts life experience for the children arrange the most perfect life roadmap. In this process, not consciously draw will give the child a lot of the penalty area, this can not be touched, that can not be touched.
He built his own Lego works even glued together with glue that was absolutely perfect, and cannot be change. But, when he seriously after his son's work was very surprised. Different people in different ways at different angles, would produce the same impressive original works.
I think this all is similar with design,'differnt angle you will see different ways.'I really proud because i have a parent who always let me decide my choice.They also always give me some advice and comment about my dream but not choose to compel their idea.
Life is like Lego,you have to create piece by piece,sometime someone telling you cannot do that,sometime they advice you,but final decided is yourself.

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